This activity is designed for individuals or any size group ages 10 through adult.
Problem solving, creativity, and cognitive flexibility to enhance emotional wellness.
Problem solving is an important coping skill and the PIP (Problems-Ideas-Plans) is a fun, creative tool to develop that skill. It is unusual in that it teaches creative problem solving in less than an hour. Deficits in problem solving ability are related to the development of depressive disorders so a problem solving approach is an important strategy for prevention and skill building.
"It was calming to break it down like that, instead of bottling it up"
- Breaks stigma by addressing worries
- Raises awareness when facilitated with related content
- Defers judgment on ideas – generating many ideas and perspectives
- Promotes collaboration
- Enhances cognitive flexibility to recognize and transition to new opportunities
Educators will recognize problem solving as an element common to academic constructs (Mindset, 21st Century Learning, and Social Emotional Learning/SEL). The PIP is a practical activity that promotes decision making skills of SEL along with the creative (divergent) and critical (convergent) thinking skills of ’21st century learning’. Creative problem solving can be a strategy to improve coping skills.
(Cognitive Therapy and Research 2008 Volume32, Pages227-245, Efficacy of a Problem-Solving Therapy for Depression and Suicide Potential in Adolescents and Young Adults.)
- Worksheet for PIP (Problems-Ideas-Plans) Creative Problem Solving Model
- Facilitator script for PIP Worksheets
- Slide Presentation for PIP (Problems-Ideas-Plans) Creative Problem Solving Model
- Presenter Notes to Slide Presentation for PIP
- PIP wallet card (for Avery 5302 tent cards)
See the RAGonMentalHealth.org website or email RAG Chair Bob Anthony (rwa1645@gmail.com) Bob Anthony