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SEPTEMBER 2024 Newsletter

SOURISH CHOUDHURY | Published on 9/28/2024


A key element of ‘Wellness in a Box’ is the evidence-based online curriculum titled, ‘Break Free From Depression’, which was developed by Boston Children’s Hospital with partial funding by the 
Sidney Swensrud Foundation.

A second phase of the Global Grant project ‘Wellness in a Box’ with Rotary Club of Naples, RID 6960, Florida, USA.

A three to four hours training program for Interactors and Rotaractors have been launched on ‘peer leadership development’ to carry forward the mental health awareness. It aims to sensitize and train batches of interested students to act as a ‘peer to peer support group’ in the campus and to create a positive atmosphere for mental health by conducting various activities to remove stigma and increase access to treatment. They will be trained in a three- hour module in knowledge, attitude and helping skills, such as active listening, empathy and non judgemental attitudes. These Peer Leaders will be accessible to all students in the campus for help and assistance.

The program aims to train 1000 to 1500 volunteers in different schools and colleges in the city of Nagpur. The project Director Rtn Rita Aggarwal is spearheading the project. The President of the Club Rtn Neerja Shukla and Secretary Rtn Anjuli Minocha are actively engaged in promoting it. The program was launched on 14th September 2024 with a batch of 22 Rotaractors of Indira Gandhi Government Medical college. Following that a batch of 60 Interactors of Jain International School have also been trained. Other schools and colleges are lined up for training within the next few months. The response from the schools and colleges are very encouraging.



DAGMHI Chapter 3291 launches the first  'MINDWELL CLUB' in a School - An initiative to break the stigma in an around Mental Health and promote mental health education / emotional literacy in every segment of the society.

How long do we live in the problem frame, blaming others for taking care of something that is our very own, the MIND?

Working with Mental Health Awareness and having almost a decade-long experience working with different segments of people, Rtn Sourish Choudhury came up with the idea of MindWell Club. Based on his experiences, he found that people listen to and try to follow us, but a good percentage are left behind due to several problems in life, especially bread and butter. He was looking for some mechanism to bind the people with various activities and create a buddy system so that each other could care for themselves, hence the MindWell Club.

Walt Disney said, 'If you can dream it, you can do it. ' When Rtn Sourish Choudhury sowed the seed of his dream, Rtn Debashish Das and Rtn Goutam Mandal joined hands to water the land, and last month, we came up with our very first MindWell Club in Kolkata, India. We plan to spread the concept in almost all schools and then bind the schools together with the thread named MindWell Club

Let's hope for better awareness about mental health in the coming time. We know that if this generation understands the need to " speak it up" for every issue they face, they can create a better ecosystem for themselves.


We want others to know the projects you implement that break stigma, raise awareness,or increase treatment capacity and access.


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