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IC24 Singapore
Sands Expo & Convention Centre

Saturday, May 25
8am Heliconia 3413
RAGMHI Annual Meeting

Monday, May 27 

Presidential Luncheon

Tuesday, May 28

2:30pm Simpor 4913 
Looking Inward 

Wednesday, May 29 
11am Jasmine 3902
Making an Impact on Mental Health

House of Friendship  - 1829/1929:
Saturday May 25
Time  Topic

09h00 Bring coffee to Hub #1829
11h00 Official opening of HOF 
12h15 District Chapters!
13h15 Because Healthcare... 
16h15 DDF Hope Grants for Clubs
17h00 Networking: Meet at Hub

Sunday May 26 Time Topic 09h00 Bring your coffee to Hub #1829 10h00 RFHA Video loop  11h15 Geriatric Care and Psychiatric Students 12h15 Spotlight on Nigeria 13h15 Preventing Addiction 14h15 Collective Impact of Rotary Action Groups  15h15 A Lever - Allows Time For Early Treatment 16h15 Health Dialogue with Rotaracters  17h00 Networking: Meet at Hub #1829 
Monday May 27 Time Topic 09h15 Bring your coffee, meet at Hub #1829 10h15 Mental Health Initiatives video loop 11h15 RI President Gordon McInally  - Health Matters: Fireside Chat 12h15 A Lever - Allows Time For Early Treatment 13h15 Leading the Way: Rotaracters for Health  14h15 Youth Mental Health Initiatives Summit 15h15 Empowering Communities, One Step at a Time  16h15 Successes by D3030 Chapter Mental Health Initiatives  17h00 Networking: Meet at Hub
Tuesday May 28 Time Topic 09h00 Bring your coffee, meet at Hub #1829 10h00 RFHA Video loop  11h15 Partnerships Powering Progress 12h15 Expanding Horizons: Launching RFHD in the DRC 13h15 Mental Health Initiatives First Aid 14h15 Health for All: A Gender-Inclusive Approach  15h15 Emotional Literacy 16h15 RFHA’s Vision for India  17h00 Networking: Meet at Hub #1829
Wednesday May 29 Time Topic 09h15 Beyond Polio  10h15 Child Abuse Trauma 11h15 Data-Driven Health: Leveraging M&E for Better Outcomes  12h15 Video loop by Mental Health Initiatives 13h15 HOF closes for Closing Ceremony 

Click below to see all topics for a specific type of program 
Select a topic and contact the Speaker directly. 

Breaking Stigma

Presentation Title: How to... Spark a mental health initiative
Name: Bob Anthony, MBA
Contact Email:
Club Membership: Naples, Florida USA
Presentation Title: Don't Bottle It Up Campaign - Creating Mental Health Awareness in Your Club & Community
Name: Darren Hands
Contact Email:
Club Membership: Plympton, Great Britain

Presentation Title: Looking Inward (a fast Rotary community assessment of mental wellbeing)
Name: Bob Anthony, MBA
Contact Email:
Club Membership: Naples, Florida USA

Raising Awareness

Presentation Title: Pandora’s Pandemic – a Focus on Hope & Resilience, Why Leaders Need to Transform How We Think About Mental Health in the Workplace, When It All Becomes Overwhelming: the Pandemic's Impact on our Brains
Name:  Bonnie Black, PDG
Contact Email: 
Club membership: Plattsburgh, NY USA
Presentation Title: How to Find Peace in Times of Uncertainty; How Employers Can Support Employees' Mental Health During the Pandemic; Fighting Anxiety in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic: 7 Things You Can Do to Stay Calm;  How to Hack Your Mental Wellness in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Name: Mike Veny
Contact Email:
Club membership: eClub of Wall Street New York USA
Presentation Title: Organizing Work and District level activities in the Rotary Spirit; Recovering from Frontline Worker Burnout
Name: Professor Geetha Jayaram MD, MBBS, MBA 
Contact Email:
Club membership: Howard West – Maryland USA
Presentation Title: How to... Spark a mental health initiative
Name: Bob Anthony, MBA
Contact Email:
Club Membership: Naples, Florida USA
Presentation Title: ABCs for Success: Strategies for maintaining and regaining mental health and wellness
Name:  Dwaine Souveny
Contact Email:
Club membership: Red Deer Rotary Sunrise, Alberta Canada
Presentation Title: Mental Health Education For Teens and Their Families
Name: Leslie Glass
Contact Email:
Club Membership: Sarasota Bay, Florida USA
Presentation Title: Coaching for Mental Wellness
Name: Hauwa Abbas, PAG
Contact Email: 
Club membership: RC Abuja Metro, Nigeria

Presentation Title: The Happiness Challenge; First Aid Depression in India
Name: Rita Aggarwal, PhD
Contact Email:
Club membership: Nagpur, India

Presentation Title: Maintaining your Sanity during COVID 19
Name: Larry Kubiak, PhD
Contact Email:
Club membership: Tallahassee, Florida USA

Increasing Access to Prevention and Early Treatment

Presentation Title: A Lever - training and phone consults for family doctors to manage mild and moderate disorders
Name: Bob Anthony, MBA
Contact Email:
Club Membership: Naples, Florida USA


Does Your Club Need Speakers?

Find a Topic of Interest and contact the speaker directly. 

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