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HomeChapter 5340 Project - Wellness Centers

High School Wellness Centers

Our club has supported Del Lago Academy and Valley High School with $2,500 per high school to help support their efforts to open their Wellness Centers for their students this Rotary year. The Wellness Centers are the hubs for all of the school’s mental health and wellness supports to students. The three larger high schools launched their centers last year. Valley and Del Lago are the two smaller schools in Escondido and will be launching their centers this school year and into the coming school year. We are excited to partner with the Escondido Union High School Districts to bring these spaces online in support of student wellness. The link attached is of the media coverage of the Escondido High School Ribbon Cutting.

Rotary Club of Escondido After 5

District 5340

San Diego and Imperial Counties, California

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